Anand Damani

Steve Jobs

Author Name

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was an unparalleled leader in the business world, particularly in the technology industry. The greatest contributor to Jobs’ business success was his unique management style. He always inspired his employees to work hard and be creative. Unfortunately, Jobs’ passion for business sometimes led him to follow ideologies that conflicted with the highest principle and the existential reality of coexistence.
The human being is the most valuable thing on earth and cannot be hired. You work with him to create memories by having beautiful interactions and not exploitation. Excellent value will be a natural by-product. Human beings are the people who can make their imagination to work and create reality. From the wheel to the Aeroplane from fire to solar powered battery farms human beings directed imagination has worked wonders.
Author Name

Steve jobs

This quote has moved millions of people to innovate and learn. We are grateful to Steve Jobs for having given us this guidance. However, this thought was valid only in its time when there was scarcity and abundance was not discovered, and the finite (Complete) knowledge about the existence was not available. Now when there is abundance with an understanding of coexistence, this wisdom needs revision.
Nourishing yourself is natural and never stay hungry. Always be satiated and wise/knowledgeable. Because in Reality, there is abundance. Milk comes to the udder before the calf is Born, making proper use of the milk to satiate is what animals do. Unfortunately, mankind has used milk to keep someone else hungry.